What is the Unique Method That Elite Allergy and Asthma Clinic Uses for Treating Their Patients and
Why is it Far More Effective Than How Most All Other Allergists Treat Their Patients?
Our Allergist here at EAAC compensates for the relative inaccuracy of allergy testing by treating for EVERYTHING. By everything, we mean we treat ALL of our patients with the same comprehensive mix of the 170 most allergic weeds, trees, grasses, molds, and animals in the World. By doing this we eliminate the possibility that any of our patients will NOT be treated for ALL of their allergies.
Many offices tout how they provide individualized treatment for their allergies by “tailor making” their treatment by only treating them for what they test positive for on allergy testing. That is great when having a business suit “tailor-made”, but not so much when treating patients’ allergies. Unfortunately for their patient’s sake, tailor making allergy treatment is precisely what NOT to do if you want your patients to be treated for everything to which they are allergic.